
Pig (Sus scrofa domesticus)

Pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) is a livestock animal which is efficient in feed conversion, rapid growth rate, and high reproductive potential.

Pig (Sus scrofa domesticus)
Pig (Sus scrofa domesticus)

Common Terms used for Pigs

  • Farrowing: The act of giving birth to a young one.
  • Boar: An adult uncastrated male pig used for breeding.
  • Sow: An adult female pig used for breeding.
  • Stag or Hog or barrow: A castrated male pig.
  • Gilt: A young female pig kept for breeding.
  • Open Gilt: A young female pig which has not been served
  • Closed Gilt: A Young female pig which has become pregnant.
  • Store Pig: Pigs between weaning and fattening usually between 8 and about 15 weeks old.
  • Runt or cad or crit or critling: The last young one farrowed in a litter. It is usually small.

Breeds of Pigs

Following list consist some of important breeds of pigs for meat production:

  1. Large White
  2. Landrace
  3. Duroc
  4. Hampshire
  5. Berkshire
  6. Pietrain
  7. Tamworth
  8. Chester White
  9. Yorkshire
  10. Meishan

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