

Cattle is a livestock animal which zoological name is Bos taurus (exotic cattle). Zoological name of zebu cattle or indigenous cattle is Bos indicus.

Terms used for Cattle

  • Bull: Adult unsaturated male cattle used for breeding or covering the cows.
  • Cow: Adult female cattle which has calved once or more
  • Calf: Young one of either sex below the age of six months
  • Bull calf: Male calf under one year of age
  • Heifer calf: Female calf under one year of age
  • Heifer: A female above one year which has not calved
  • Bullock: Castrated male cattle used for work.
  • Steer: Castrated male cattle used for meat
  • Buller : A female which is always in heat or estrus. It is also known as a nymphomanic animal.
  • Teaser: A vasectomized (castrated) bull used to detect the heat or estrus of female (cow).
  • Foetus: A term for developing young one during last quarter of pregnancy.
  • Fertility: Ability of an animal to produce large number of living young.
  • Sterility: Inability to produce any offspring.
  • Calving: Process of giving birth
  • Prolificacy: Ability to produce large number of offspring’s. The animal is said to be prolific.
  • Fecundity: It is the potential capacity of the female to produce functional ova regards of what happens to them after they are produced.
  • Free martin: A sterile heifer born twin with the male.
  • Cryptorchids: The failure of testes to descend fully into the scrotum. If one testes is in scrotal position the male is usually fertile but if both are retained in the abdominal cavity sterility usually reported.
  • Service: The process in which mature male covers the female i.e. in heat with the object to deposit spermatozoa in the female genital tract is called service.
  • Conception: The successful union of male and female gametes & implantation of zygote is known as conception.
  • Gestation: It is the condition of female when developing foetus in present in the uterus.
  • Gestation period: The period from the date of service (actual conception) to the date of parturition is termed as parturition period or pregnancy period. This period varies according to species of animals e.g. is cows 279-283 days, in buffalo 310 days, sheep 148-152 days, goat 150-152 days.
  • Parturition: The act of giving birth to young one is called parturition.
  • Lactation period: The period after parturition in which the animal produces milk.
  • Dry period: The period after lactation in which the animal does not produce milk.
  • Calving interval: The period between two successive calving is calving interval.
  • Average: It is the sum of production divided by No. of animals.
  • Wet average: It is the average daily milk yield of a cow is lactation.
  • Herd Average: It is average daily milk yield of milking animal in a herd.
  • Environment: The sum of all external influences to which an individual is exposed.
Wet and Herd Average
Wet and Herd Average
  • Sire: The male parent of the calf.
  • Dam: Female parent of the calf.

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